I hate copycats!


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Advive from me!!

i'm annoying!! haha!!

N.U.R.U.L. M.A.R.L.I.Y.A.N.A
that's my name!!

life is never that simple!!


angan berbangga dengan Calvin Klien & Armani Exchange anda kerana…. Pakaian Terakhir anda adalah Kain Kafan…& perfume anda adalah kapur barus.. '' Jangan Berbangga dengan BMW & Caldina GTfour anda kerana….Kendera

an terakhir anda adalah Keranda yang akan diusung…'' Jangan Berbangga dengan Banglo dan Condo anda kerana…..........TempatP...e...risti...rehatanda

yang terakhir adalah Kubur..'' Jangan Berbangga dengan Kehenseman atau Kecantikan anda kerana…..Akhirnya Hanya menjadi santapan si Cacing dan Serangga....'' Saya bersumpah Demi ALLAH S.W.T , Demi ISLAM dan Demiajaran AGAMA,Saya akan menyebarkan mesej ini ke 15 teman2 saya..ApabilaSaya melanggar Sumpah saya ini, Maka MUSIBAH akan selalu menimpa sayaSaya akan selalu GAGAL dlm usaha dan segala CITA takkan pernah terwujud.'' Anda sudah bernazar… ''

my best friends YANA !!

Cousins 4eva!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Life 2010


isshh cepatnya masa berlalu!!
sedar x sedar dah 2010!!
tahun depan nak UPSR!!
pray for me!!


Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are [Official Video]

Just The Way You Are

Oh her eyes, her eyes
Make the stars look like they’re not shining
Her hair, her hair
Falls perfectly without her trying

She’s so beautiful
And I tell her every day

Yeah I know, I know
When I compliment her
She wont believe me
And its so, its so
Sad to think she don’t see what I see

But every time she asks me do I look okay
I say

When I see your face
There’s not a thing that I would change
Cause you’re amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you’re amazing
Just the way you are

Her nails, her nails
I could kiss them all day if she’d let me
Her laugh, her laugh
She hates but I think its so sexy

She’s so beautiful

And I tell her every day

Oh you know, you know, you know
Id never ask you to change
If perfect is what you’re searching for
Then just stay the same

So don’t even bother asking
If you look okay
You know I say

When I see your face
There’s not a thing that I would change
Cause you’re amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you’re amazing
Just the way you are

The way you are
The way you are
Girl you’re amazing
Just the way you are

When I see your face
There’s not a thing that I would change
Cause you’re amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you’re amazing
Just the way you are

Saturday, August 21, 2010

my life

hello guys,

so,how's life?
me okay....
but did you know that i have already have niece...
she is so cute...
i love you AYNUZ ZULFA..4 EVA!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010


hari ini hari jumaat....
entah mengapa aku suka hari jumaat....
aku masih lagi disini dalam
tapi walaubagaimanapun aku terima hakikat ini...

tapi kita semua mesti ingat...
perkataan ini..
senang kan..

ok bubbye kawan-kawan....

Sunday, January 3, 2010

lihatlh betapa indahnyer ciptaan tuhan...
pokok-pokok yg hijau dan indah membuat hati ini gembira..
adakah kita sebagai hambanyer menghargai ciptaannyer??
pokok-pokok yg dahulunyer indah kini musnah..
siapakan yg melakukan hal ini??

hanya kita saja yg boleh menyelamatkan ciptaan tuhan
jika kita ingin melihat pokok-pokok hidup dngn subur..
tepuk dada tanyer selera kita saja yg menentukan segala-galanya...
